
Showing posts from December, 2021

NEOX : A decentralized fintech blockchain that is designed to allow faster transactions, even at scale.

PRESENTING NEOX DEFI PLATFORM The fintech industry is here to stay. There is a lot of interest in the financial world of cryptocurrency. People want to know more about it and what it can mean for the future of their investments. This blog looks at the NEOX project, an interesting new fintech blockchain that is backed by a real-world asset. NEOX utilises smart contracts to create peer-to-peer trading platforms for digital assets. The aim of the platform is to connect merchants, consumers and traders in a completely decentralised environment. Neox is powered by artificial intelligence. It's aim is to integrate all blockchains into one network; providing a central hub for the efficient and cost-effective transfer of data and value between blockchains. The NEOX ecosystem will be fuelled by it's own native token. ABOUT NEOX NEOX is a decentralized fintech blockchain that is designed to allow faster transactions, even at scale. It is designed to deal with high transaction volume and

YURA : A Platform that connects independent consultants with medium and large businesses to provide them with specialist skills and resources.

INTRODUCTION Freelancing has become a well-known term today. More and more people are freelancing every day. They have made a lot of money freelancing and they have earned their freedom. The problem with the freelancing system today is that it is centralized. In this blog, we are going to talk about yura , the decentralized freelance collaboration platform. Today, the freelancing industry is worth over $1 billion. It is driven by the fact that people are no longer tied to one place, one job or one boss. Life is about freedom and this is what drives people to freelancing. Especially the millennials. and this industry is going to keep growing. is a novel, pioneering and disruptive technology-driven platform that will forever change the freelance and business space. Yura is a decentralised freelance platform, meaning that the platform is owned by the users on it, instead of a single company. Company and team: Yura is a Singapore-based company that has developed a novel, pioneeri